Author Guidelines

Nordic Studies in Education is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. We primarily publish scientific articles. In this overview, you will find information regarding our guidelines and procedures for the submission of manuscripts. We look forward to receiving your contribution!


  1. Before you submit your manuscript, we ask you to read the guidelines closely. Make sure that the number of characters does not exceed the limits stated underneath and that notes and references complies with the guidelines.
  2. At the stage of submission, all articles must be thoroughly edited and proofread. Manuscripts that are not language-checked will not be considered for review.
  3. The journal uses double blind reviewing of manuscripts. Manuscripts must therefore be anonymized by the author(s). Front side and information about the author(s) must be given in a separate document. All explicit self-references should be anonymized. Please see the guidelines pertaining to anonymisation.
  4. All authors must fulfil our criteria for authorship. Please see our list of criterias.


Manuscripts are submitted electronically via the journal’s electronic platform: Make a submission

Submitted manuscripts must contain the following:

  • Title (articles in Scandinavian languages must include an English title)
  • English abstract: Provide a brief abstract of max. 100 words. The abstract should state briefly the objective of the investigation, basic procedures, main findings, and principal conclusions.
  • 3–5 English keywords
  • The manuscript
  • Notes should be numerical and organized as footnotes
  • Literature references in alphabetical order

In separate documents:

  • Numbered figures and table (each one at a separate side)
  • Title page: Submit a separate title page with the following information: title, author(s) information (institution), date, number of words, and acknowledgements. Please make sure that all info about the author(s) are included.

Manuscript standard

NSE accepts articles written in Danish, English, Norwegian or Swedish. Manuscripts must not exceed 40,000 characters including spaces (not including reference list). 


Use standard abbreviations. Any non-standard abbreviations (to be avoided if possible) should be explained in the text the first time they are used. Avoid abbreviations and notes in the title. Quantities and units should be expressed in accordance with the recommendations of the International System of Units (Système International d'Unités).


The journal uses the APA 7th edition style guide for references. An introduction to this style can found here:

Also, a basic tutorial can be found here:


References should always include a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​if applicable. A DOI should be a clickable URL, inserted at the end of the reference in the literature list. If you are unsure of the DOI for a given reference, or whether a DOI for the reference is available, you can search for title, author name, etc. at


Each table/figure should be numbered and editable in Microsoft Word. Number tables consecutively with Arabic numerals and give each table a short, descriptive heading.

Give each column a short or abbreviated heading. Place explanatory matter in footnotes to the table, not in the heading. Explain in the footnotes all non-standard abbreviations used in the table.

If data from another published or unpublished source are used, obtain permission and acknowledge fully. Tables should be self-explanatory and understandable without reference to the text of the article.


Norwegian accessibility laws for ICT require that all non-textual content have a text alternative. This means that all images, photos, illustrations, graphs, diagrams and so on must be accompanied by an alternative text, also known as an alt-text. The alternative text should consist of a description of what the image contains and what it links to, in order to make the content accessible to blind and visually impaired users. The text should be as short and concise as possible, and provide a description of all the relevant information in the image. The alternative text comes in addition to the regular image captions which are accessible to all users. The authors are responsible for providing alternative text for all non-textual content included in the manuscript. More information available at: The Norwegian Authority for Universal Design of ICT (via Google Translate) and World Wide Web Consortium.


Notes in the manuscript should be organized as footnotes, when using regular text processing software. Notes should be kept to a minimum and used only for comment.

The review process

All submissions are firstly reviewed by the editorial staff. An editor is assigned to each manuscript. If a submission is considered eligible for publication, it is sent to the peer-review stage. Nordic Studies in Education normally uses two reviewers for each research article. All articles are reviewed in accordance with the double-blind principle, which entails that the author(s) and reviewers are anonymised and unknown to each other. The review process requires a lot of time and effort both on part of the editorial staff and of external reviewers. By submitting an article to Nordic Studies in Education, the author accepts that the manuscript cannot be evaluated by other journals simultaneously.

Note that the journal uses the plagiarism detection service iThenticate, which compares submissions with already published research and web material.