Vetenskap, profession och politik: Om förändring av det pedagogiska kunskapsområdet i Sverige


  • Sverker Lindblad Göteborgs universitet, Sverige


The purpose of this essay is to analyse changes in the field of education sciences and research in Sweden. In focus are matters of research relevancing in relation to intellectual organization and scientific ethos. Three periods are identified: Academic Establishment 1890-1940; Scientific Expansion 1940-1990; and Academic Fragmentation 1990-onwards). These periods are related to different ways of relevancing educational sciences and to research positions. External pressures are increasing, in turn stressing demands for the research community to analyse and discuss these pressures and their constraints and opportunities in relation to educational research and premises for knowledge organisation and scientific ethos.

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How to Cite

Lindblad, S. (2022). Vetenskap, profession och politik: Om förändring av det pedagogiska kunskapsområdet i Sverige. Nordic Studies in Education, 42(1), 65–82.


education sciences, intellectual organisation, scientific ethos, research relevancing, modernization