Scottish Education: Between the UK and the Nordic


  • Paul Adams University of Strathclyde, Scotland


The (re)opening of the Scottish Parliament in 1999 cemented calls for small state self-management, particularly along Nordic lines, both to reflect the desire for independence and belief that small states prosper when aligned with similar jurisdictions. However, whether there is a ‘Nordic education approach’ is questionable. Further, this positioning assumes certain things about Scotland, ‘The Scottish’, and the Scottish education system. Rather than present Scottish education as aligning with Norden, it is better to identify pushes and pulls between northern countries and internal/UK factors. This paper examines educational exigencies: pushes and pulls from the Nordic countries and the UK.

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Author Biography

Paul Adams, University of Strathclyde, Scotland

School of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Science



How to Cite

Adams, P. (2023). Scottish Education: Between the UK and the Nordic. Nordic Studies in Education, 43(1), 43–59.


Nordic dimension, Scotland, education