Pædagogisk rettet forskning og dens mulige kontinuitetsformer i det post-traditionelle samfund: Dannelse som bro-begreb for innovativ tradering


  • Frederik Pio Aarhus Universitet, Danmark
DOI: https://doi.org/10.23865/nse.v42.3856


The article takes as point of departure the current critique of ‘general education’ (Allgemeine Pädagogik) as a paradigm no longer possible nor relevant. This leads (section I) into a discussion of a current, diagnostic assumption which claims, that the field of research is split into competing paradigms (between a pedagogical ‘general education’ and a broad inter-disciplinary ‘educational research’), which are in mutual conflict. Next (section II) the article looks into Benner (2005) and the concept of ‘innovative transmission’ (innovativ tradering) to explore a possible remedy in light of the assumption of pedagogical research being split in two. On the basis of Vogel and Krüger’s notion of “Brückenkonzept” (‘conceptual connecting principle’) (Krüger et al., 1994; Vogel, 1998) a Bildung-concept is suggested (section III), which applies the ‘innovative transmission’ as leverage and possible remedy in light of a split in the research paradigms.

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How to Cite

Pio, F. (2022). Pædagogisk rettet forskning og dens mulige kontinuitetsformer i det post-traditionelle samfund: Dannelse som bro-begreb for innovativ tradering. Nordic Studies in Education, 42(4), 376–394. https://doi.org/10.23865/nse.v42.3856





general education, research paradigms, innovative transmission, Dietrich Benner